
Chapter 12 — Benefits From Seeing And Hearing Ksitigarbha


At that time, the World Honored One emitted hundreds, thousands, millions and billions of light rays from the top of his head, the White Ray, the Great White Ray, the Auspicious Portent Ray, the Great Auspicious Portent Ray, the Jade Ray, the Great Jade Ray, the Purple Ray, the Great Purple Ray, the Blue Ray, the Great Blue Ray, the Azure Ray, the Great Azure Ray, the Red Ray, the Great Red Ray, the Green Ray, the Great Green Ray, the Gold Ray, the Great Gold Ray, the Good Luck Cloud Ray, the Great Good Luck Cloud Ray, the Thousand-Wheeled Ray, the Great Thousand-Wheeled Ray, the Jewelled Ray, the Great Jewelled Ray, the Solar Disc Ray, the Great Solar Disc Ray, the Lunar Disc Ray, the Great Lunar Disc Ray, the Palace Ray, the Great Palace Ray, the Ocean Cloud Ray and the Great Ocean Cloud Ray.


And the Buddha again emitted wonderfully subtle sounds and informed all beings, gods, dragons and the others, both human or non-human, “Here in Trayastrimsa Heaven Palace, all listen to me as I glorify the merits that Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha has performed for those in heaven and the human world. This is an inconceivable and super saintly thing. It is his certification of the Tenth Ground – the highest ground of Bodhisattva, and shows us that he will never regress from the Buddhadharma.”


At that time, there was a great Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, named Avalokiteshvara. He rose from his seat, then knelt down, placed his hands together and said, “World Honored One, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, Mahasattva, has a merciful and benevolent heart. He pities the suffering and incarnate himself into billions of different forms to cultivate all beings. All his merits and unimaginable divine power I have heard from the mouths of the World Honored One and limitless Buddhas. Even all the Buddhas now and in the future cannot extol all of Ksitigarbha’s merits. And now, you again want to tell all beings and praise him for all his merits. World Honored One, please speak of the inconceivable divine power of Ksitigarbha. Then allow the gods, dragons and the others to obtain benefits and merits.”


The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, “You have a close relationship with the Saha world. If heavenly beings, dragons, men, women, gods, ghosts or all beings suffering from their crimes in the six levels hear your name, see your image, adore you and praise you, they will never regress from the Dharma, and they will always be born in heaven or a human world and enjoy happiness. When their good fruit ripens, they will encounter Buddhas and be prophesied as a future Buddha. Now, having mercy and a kind heart for all heavenly beings, dragons and the others, you come here to listen to my explanation of the inconceivable benefits of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha. You should listen to me carefully. I shall explain this to you.”


Avalokiteshvara said, “Yes, World Honored One, I will be glad to hear your words.”


The Buddha told Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, “Now and in the future worlds, when the heavenly beings are going to complete their happy life there, they will show five signs of decay. Some will even fall into an evil level. When such heavenly beings, regardless of whether they are male or female show the five weak signs, if they can see Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s image, hear Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s name, and gaze in worship, they will obtain more merits, enjoy happiness and never fall into the three evil levels. If they see this Bodhisattva and offer him flowers, clothing, food, treasures or jewels, the merits and benefits they gain will be endless and uncountable.

復次觀世音! 若未來現在諸世界中,六道眾生臨命終時,得聞地藏菩薩名,一聲歷耳根者。是諸眾生,永不歷三惡道苦。何況臨命終時,父母眷屬,將是命終人舍宅、財物、寶貝、衣服,塑畫地藏形像。或使病人未終之時,眼耳見聞,知道眷屬將舍宅、寶貝等為其自身塑畫地藏菩薩形像。是人若是業報合受重病者,承斯功德,尋即除愈,壽命增益。是人若是業報命盡,應有一切罪障業障,合墮惡趣者。承斯功德,命終之後,即生人天,受勝妙樂,一切罪障,皆悉消滅。

Moreover, Avalokiteshvara, now and in the future, if those beings in the six levels who are about to die can hear the name of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha deep in their ears, they will not go through the pain of the three evil levels. If, for example, one sells the house, treasures, possessions and clothing which belong to this person who is about to die, and uses the money to paint or carve an image of Ksitigarbha – or the sick person himself hears or sees that a relative on his behalf has sold his properties to paint or carve a statue of Bodhisattva Kistigarbha for him. If this person’s karma retribution is to suffer a serious illness, then by inheriting these merits, he will recover from illness soon and will live longer. What if this person’s karmic retribution is to fall into the evil levels? By inheriting the merits, his crimes and karma will be eliminated. After he dies he will ascend to heaven and enjoy wonderful happiness. All other crimes will also be eliminated.

復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,有男子女人,或乳哺時、或三歲、五歲、十歲以下,亡失父母,乃及亡失兄弟姐妹,是人年既長大,思憶父母及諸眷屬,不知落在何趣、生何世界、生何天中?是人若能塑畫地藏菩薩形像,乃至聞名,一瞻一禮,一日至七日,莫退初心,聞名見形,瞻禮供養。是人眷屬,假因業故,墮惡趣者,計當劫數,承斯男女,兄弟姊妹,塑畫地藏形像,瞻禮功德,尋即解脫,生人天中,受勝妙樂。是人眷屬,如有福力,已生人天,受勝妙樂者,即承斯功德,轉增聖因,受無量樂。

Moreover, Avalokiteshvara, in the future, if there is a man or woman whose parents, or brothers or sisters die; or if when a person was young, was separated from his or her parents or relatives and wonders where they are or to which heaven they have gone; if they can carve or paint an image of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, or can respect or worship him continuously for seven days, constantly and attentively hearing his name and worshipping, then the accumulated merits will allow this person’s relatives to be relieved from suffering soon, even though this person’s relatives should fall into the evil level for many aeons, and suffer pain because of their karma. The person’s relatives can be reborn in heaven, where they will enjoy wonderful bliss. If the relatives by their own merits have ascended to heaven they will possess Buddha’s wisdom and have endless happiness. If a person can bow and kneel to the image of Ksitigarbha with an attentive heart for twenty one days, and recite his name ten thousand times, the Bodhisattva will appear and tell the person where his relatives have gone. Or, in his dream, he will see the Bodhisattva show great divine power and personally lead him to every world to meet his relatives.”


“If one can recite the name of Bodhisattva one thousand times a day, continuously for a thousand days, the Bodhisattva will send a god or a ghost to protect and guard him for his whole life and make sure that he lives in affluence. No hardship or sickness will come to him or his house. This person will finally be blesses when Bodhisattva comes to touch his head and predict that he will become a Buddha.”

復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世有善男子善女人,欲發廣大慈心,救度一切眾生者,欲修無上菩提者,欲出離三界者。是諸人等,見地藏形像,及聞名者,至心歸依,或以香華、衣服、寶貝、飲食,供養瞻禮。是善男女等,所願速成,永無障礙。

Moreover, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, when any good man or good woman benevolently makes a vow towards cultivating and helping all beings, wishes to learn about the Dharma and hopes to be released from the three evil level, if that person sees Ksitigarbha’s image, hears his name, follows him with a honest heart or contributes fragrant flowers, clothing, treasures or food in worship, then all their wishes will soon be brought to completion without any obstruction.

復次觀世音! 若未來世,有善男子善女人,欲求現在未來百千萬億等願,百千萬億等事。但當歸依瞻禮、供養讚歎,地藏菩薩形像。如是所願所求,悉皆成就。復願地藏菩薩具大慈悲,永擁護我。是人於睡夢中,即得菩薩摩頂授記。

Moreover, Avalokiteshvara, in the future, when any good man or good woman who make millions of wishes, as long as he or she takes refuge in worships respectfully, offers and praises the image of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, then all wishes and goals can be realized. If he or she makes a vow for Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha to show his great mercy and protect and guard him or her forever, and dreams that Bodhisattva touches his or her head marking a mark, then he or she will finally be a Buddha.

復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,善男子善女人,於大乘經典,深生珍重,發不思議心,欲讀欲誦。縱遇明師教視令熟,旋得旋忘,動經年月,不能讀誦。是善男子等,有宿業障,未得消除,故於大乘經典,無讀誦性。如是之人,聞地藏菩薩名、見地藏菩薩像,具以本心恭敬陳白,更以香華、衣服、飲食、一切玩具,供養菩薩。以淨水一盞,經一日一夜安菩薩前,然後合掌請服,回首向南。臨入口時,至心鄭重,服水既畢,慎五辛酒肉,邪婬妄語,及諸殺害,一七日或三七日。是善男子善女人,於睡夢中,具見地藏菩薩現無邊身,於是人處,授灌頂水。其人夢覺,即獲聰明,應是經典,一歷耳根,即當永記,更不忘失一句一偈。

Moreover, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, what if a good man or good woman cherishes and reverently reads Mahayana sutras and raises a sincere heart in reading sutras, but even though he or she meets a good teacher, soon forgets the contents of the sutra and cannot read or recite it? This is because this person has karmic obstructions from a former life. This person should tell the Bodhisattva reverently when they hear his name or see his face that they are unable to remember or read the Mahayana sutra. And they should offer flowers, clothing, food or even playthings to the Bodhisattva, prepare a glass of clean water, place it in front of Bodhisattva’s image for one day and night, then place both hands together, ask to drink the water, face the south, and with a sincere and respectful heart, drink the water. After that, be careful not to drink wine, eat meat and the five pungent plants. Do not be licentious, use false speech or kill living creatures. After seven or twenty one days, this good man or good woman will see Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha show his limitless body in their dream. Ksitigarbha will himself anoint their head with water. This person will then be intelligent when he or she awakes. Any sutra he or she hears will be remembered forever; not a single word or sentence will be forgotten.

復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,有諸人等,衣食不足,求者乖願、或多病疾、或多凶衰、家宅不安、眷屬分散、或諸橫事,多來忤身,睡夢之間,多有驚怖。如是人等,聞地藏名、見地藏形,至心恭敬,念滿萬遍。是諸不如意事,漸漸消滅,即得安樂、衣食豐益,乃至於睡夢中,悉皆安樂。

Furthermore, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, anyone who lacks food or clothing, who cannot obtain the thing he or she wants, who usually falls sick, who always meets evil, whose family is disturbed, who loses his or her relatives, who is often hit by a misfortune or who is terrified in their dreams, they will be gradually removed from those unpleasant things. If they have a reverent and sincere heart when reciting Bodhisattva’s name ten thousand times, or while hearing Kistigarbha’s name or seeing his image, they will also obtain peace, happiness and wealth – even in their dreams.

復次觀世音菩薩! 若未來世,有善男子善女人,或因治生、或因公私、或因生死、或因急事,入山林中、過渡河海、乃及大水、或經險道。是人先當念地藏菩薩名萬遍,所過土地,鬼神衛護,行住坐臥,永保安樂。乃至逢於虎狼師子,一切毒害,不能損之。」

Furthermore, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, in the future, any good man or good woman who needs to enter a mountain or forest, cross an ocean or river, or pass along a dangerous road for personal or official business in a life or death situation or emergency, should first recite Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s name ten thousand times. Then, this place will be protected by gods and ghosts, regardless of whether he or she walks, sits or lies. He or she will surely be peaceful and happy. Even though they meet a tiger, wolf, lion or any other fierce beast, these beasts will be unable to harm them at all.”

佛告觀世音菩薩: 「是地藏菩薩,於閻浮提有大因緣,若說於諸眾生見聞利益等事,百千劫中,說不能盡。是故觀世音,汝以神力流布是經,令娑婆世界眾生,百千萬劫永受安樂。」

The Buddha told Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, “Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha has a deep relationship with those beings in the worlds. Even through hundreds or thousands of aeons, I still could not convey all the ways he benefits all beings. Therefore, Avalokiteshvara, you should use you divine power to spread this sutra to make sure that all those beings in all worlds can enjoy the merits of peace and happiness through thousands of aeons.”


At that time, World Honored One spoke a verse:


“I observe Ksitigarbha’s divine power; like the Ganges sand-like aeons, it cannot be described. To see, to hear, or to worship are all in a thought; endless benefits for humanity and heaven.


Men, women, dragons or gods, if by their retributions should fall into evil; sincerely take refuge in Mahasattva, lifespan will increase and karmic obstacles will be eliminated.


If children lose parent’ love when they are young, and wonder where their spirits are, and they never met brothers, sisters or relatives since they grew up;


Carve or paint an image of the Mahasattva. Look, worship and adore it without stopping; recite the name from seven to twenty one days,


Bodhisattva will show his limitless body, show where the relatives have gone; even if fallen onto evil, they will soon escaped.


Anyone who wants to follow Bodhi, or be relieved from the suffering of the three levels; this person should raise a great merciful heart,


To gaze at and worship Mahasattva’s image; any wish will come true immediately, and no karma obstacle can stop him.


Anyone who raises his heart to read the sutra hoping to save all beings, although this vow is inconceivable; still the person reads and forgets it soon because of karma obstacles confuse him.


Offerings of fragrant flowers, clothing, food or any playthings to Ksitigarbha; preparing clean water before the Mahasattva, then to drink after a day and a night.


Be careful to avoid the five pungent plants, not to drink wine, eat meat or be licentious, not to kill living beings for twenty one days.


Recite Mahasattva’s name reverently, you can see Ksitigarbha in your dream; become intelligent when awakening. From then on, no sutra will be forgotten, never ever forget through thousands of generations.


This is caused by Mahasattva’s inconceivable power, which makes this person wise.


Those beings who are poor or sick, a family whose fortune is declining, the people who have uneasy dreams, wishes never come true;


Sincerely worship Ksitigarbha’s image, all evil things can be eliminated. Even dreams can be peaceful, clothes and food will be opulent, Gods and ghosts will protect them.


Anyone who enters the forest or crosses the ocean, afraid of ferocious animals and evil people, all such disaster and distress.


Gaze at, worship and makes offerings to the image of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, Mahasattva, the evils of the forest and ocean will be eliminated.


Avalokiteshvara, listen to me, Kistigarbha is inconceivable. Through thousands of aeons it cannot be told; proclaim and exalt Mahasattva’s divine power.

地藏名字人若聞,乃至見像瞻禮者, 香華衣服飲食奉,供養百千受妙樂。

Anyone hearing Ksitigarbha’s name, anyone seeing Ksitigarbha’s image and worshipping, offering flowers, clothing or food, will enjoy wonderful pleasure for thousands of aeons.


Dedicating the merits to those beings in the Dharma World, finally become a Buddha, crossing over life and death.


Avalokiteshvara, thus you should know and proclaim through the worlds – more numerous than the Ganges’ sands.”